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Design your own race car paint scheme

Designing a racing car is not only fascinating but also complex in the racing world. Indeed, everyone tries to give their racing car a distinct look. Before design, it is important to get the resources like time, budget, experience, etc. In reality, designing a racing car seems time-consuming and costly. That’s why you can take help from the online platform. In our discussion on “design your own race car paint scheme” will notify you more on this topic. So, let’s get started on the journey.


Design your own race car online

Race graphics offer some unique options to create a nice design for a sports car. Interestingly, you can easily do that online without downloading and registering.

  • First, navigate to Packages and select a car from there.
  • After selecting the car, a new window will open and you need to click on the “Click Here To Design Now”.
  • Again a new window will open which will show you multiple options to design the car. You will find different options to see the car from different angles like a top, rear, left, and right.
  • Another option called “Add Wrap” will open a handful of stickers collection. You can choose any and then attach it wherever you want.
  • If you don’t like the design, then you can select the number to attach to your car. The number can be selected using the “Add Number” section.
  • After getting into the Add Number section, you will find various designs of numbers. Also, you can apply different text formats and designs to the number.
  • Another interesting option is you can easily add your customized logo to any part of your car. Suppose, you want to add a logo on the hood of the car, so, click on that.
  • Then, a new window with that part will open. There you will find the Upload Logo option which lets you upload your desired logo from your storage and attach it to that part.
  • You will find the option to attach Clipart. For that, you need to click on the Clipart menu. Then a clipart library will open and you can choose your desired one and attach it to your car.
  • If you want to add your name or anyone, then head to Text => Text => write whatever you want on the text box.

Note: After passing every step, you need to click on the Done menu to apply the change.

Race car wrap design software

Racecar wrap design software

  • Car Modeling/3D.
  • Aerodynamics Design and Simulation/CFD.
  • EasyCFD flow simulation output of a car.
  • Chassis/Structural Design/FEA/FEM.
  • Race Car Graphics Design Software.
  • Suspension Design.
  • Susprog3D suspension design.
  • Car warp with customizing template

How to do race car graphics design templates


How to do race car graphics design templates?

We will show you the designing process using Photoshop.

  • First, you need to open the photo in photoshop.
  • Now, select the pen tool and select the car body.
  • Then, right-click on the image and click Make Selection => New Selection and click Ok.
  • Up next, you need to subtract areas that aren’t part of the design such as lights, windows, etc.
  • After selecting correctly, now, you need to make a copy of the selection by pressing Ctrl J.
  • Now, click on the first layer and rename the layer by black and the second layer by white.
  • After naming, you need to turn off the top layer and click on the second layer => press Ctrl J.
  • You will see a new window named Saturation and set that to a minimum. Also, you need to increase the lightness by making the car white and setting the layer blending mode to multiply. Note: Don’t make the car too much white.


  • Next, keep the 1st layer selected and press Ctrl U to set the saturation to a minimum. Also, decrease the lightness a little bit to make it gray => press Ok.
  • Press Ctrl L to open the Levels window to make the car blackish.
  • Now, you need to select the bottom layer and name that by whatever you want and unlock that.
  • Keep your bottom layer selected and press Ctrl and click any of the top layers. It will bring the selection of the car’s body. So, press the delete button to delete that selected area.
  • After that, you need to select all the layers and press Ctrl G to make a group and name the group.
  • Again, create another group and name the group and place it below the previous group.
  • Now, unlock the first group and select the pen tool and select the area where you want to apply the color.
  • After selecting, a new layer named Shape will open and you need to click on the little box in the Shape layer to apply your desired color. Using the same process you can apply color anywhere on your car.
  • Then, click on the text tool to apply the text to your car.

How to dirt track race car designs?

  • To begin with, you need to clean all the dirt and dust.
  • So, take dish soap and water in a squirt bottle. Then use a towel to clean around the car.
  • Now, take the sticker that you want to wrap and apply it initially to see whether it is the same size as you want.
  • If it comes as the right measurement, then peel around the wrap. Note: While peeling, you need to hold the wrap’s both ends to keep it touching or falling into dirt.
  • Now, apply the wrap to your desired area. If you hear a sound that means it demands more water. So, spray water and then apply the wrap.
  • It’s time to cut the wheel and the door area. So, take a knife and cut those areas carefully.
  • Up next, keep the wrap out and spray water on there and smooth the wrap by squeegee. Hence it will smooth the surface by getting out the air bubbles.



Free race car graphics design templates

Free race car graphics design templates

Are you looking for free car graphics design templates? Here we enlist some websites, hopefully, you can easily collect your desired one.

  1. VectorStock

This free car graphics design template site will open over 13000 free race car templates for you. You can easily choose any from that collection.

2. Freepik

If you can’t choose any from the previous one, then surf this site to choose your desired one. You can explore 4.5 million graphics resources from this site.

3. Vecteezy

Our enlisted third one lets you choose your desired template from 5287 royalty-free vector graphics and clip arts. That collection is free and exclusively for racing cars.

4. Shutterstock

Hopefully, you know about this site, if you have previous experience downloading any graphical items. This platform offers 201,104 royalty-free race car graphics vectors, stock photos, and illustrations.


Now you get an overview of designing your own race car paint scheme. Hopefully, our discussion will make the racing car designing journey smooth. However, if anything stuck you, then notify us.


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