The importance of Car background replacement is numerous. Every step we need to edit before editing we need to touch the background. Not all time background replacement. Sometimes it may be background removal. Sometimes making a transparent background. But background has a huge demand to work on it. Car background replacement is the process that can promote your business. Now we are going to learn about Automotive Background Replacement better solution better solution.

That can show your creativity, can show your capability in editing automotive products. Vehicles  background replacement, template adding all follow the same process. Actually, there is a huge process to follow. You can follow countless ways for one background replacement service.

Why clients don’t want to have photo background replacement by automatic software :

There is huge software inventing every day. That can change your background automatically. Like photo scissors, Lazpaint, GIMP, photo background remover, etc. They do work at a very high speed. Moreover, clients don’t want to have this automatic work because it doesn’t follow all their guidelines. Clients want this tool to follow ins and outs. But these tools have limitations. All the processes are already been installed. They can’t support you beyond the limit.



Now let’s go with the process that our retoucher follows when they do vehicles background replacement :

  1. First we open the photo on photoshop.

2. Then we will select the pen tool and will point it at one corner of the product and need to drag it down to that point that we’ve selected first. After creating the path around the product the incentive is we will relinquish the outside part and the inside part will remain.

3. Saving the path is a good idea. Because sometimes the path doesn’t seem perfect at one try. We need to add or change a little bit of the path when savings help us.

4. Now we will choose control + path 1 for the selected path.

Automotive Background Replacement better solution

5. Then we snap control + j for having a transparent background.

6. After getting a transparent background now our leading product is portable. And we can place the product anywhere at the frame.

Automotive Background Replacement better solution

7. Now it’s time to add the background. when the background already selected. Now we need to click the create a new layer. And there will create a blank layer on the above portion.

8.Now we will select the D button .this button will create a foreground layer with a white background layer.

Automotive Background Replacement better solution

9.And finally we will snap control +backspace and we will get a white background.

10.It’s been completed. And we get to see the white background.

Automotive Background Replacement better solution

11.when we get the order to add any selected background at first we will select the background. WePress control +A.

12.Then we will copy it with control +c.

13.And we will paste the background on the background layer and it’s been completed.

Automotive Background Replacement better solution

Advantages of having this replacement job:

  1. It helps to remove the intertwined background that takes away the disturbance from the photo.

2. We supports to make the leading product more appealing.

3. They can add the suggested background that the dealer demands.

4. We can select the background that can interpret your leading product.

5. Automotive background replacement is the process that you don’t need to edit every portion of the background. When it doesn’t seem perfect to upload we can replace it with background replacement.

Automotive Background Replacement better solution


Is there any hard and fast rule that our retouchers follow when doing car photo background replacement :

Yes every dealer, every merchandiser have different demands centering their photo. Especially when they ask for the background they have individual demand. Because everyone ruling different companies, each company has different brand values.

So if they want to have a background that can interpret his companies detail that won’t match to another one. Maybe any of them like the white background and another one like a describable background. There is some basic form that all are looking for. And some minor detail that may vary.


Automotive background replacement is a very effective editing service that we all are looking for.

It can change the whole image. This service can change the incentive of an image. So having a picture done by a professional can bring success to your company. Yeah, it’s also difficult finding an editing service company that seems perfect for your companies editing. But after finding the right one you don’t need to be tensed at all. So don’t get late and make a good decision today. So this is the clear concept of Automotive Background Replacement better solution better solution.

Automotive Background Replacement better solution

The benefit of creating car shadow in Photoshop for Car Images

The benefit of creating car shadow in Photoshop for Car Images

Shadow making is the advanced level of car image editing. Car shadow in Photoshop makes your photo-realistic and can bring an appealing look to your photo. Nowadays the demand of our clients is increasing and updating day by day. And we are trying to keep pace with our client’s demand. When we take a photo of a product and edit it without adding shadow it doesn’t seem like a realistic one. It looks like a handmade drawing picture.

Although car shadow making is very time consuming and all the retouched can’t do it with perfection. So finding an editing service company for shadow making is your first job. When you are a business owner.  It’s a must need for your business so you should concentrate on the perfection of car shadow making.

The importance of car shadow making:

There are many individuals who love to advance their deals by utilizing appealing pictures for grabbing the purchaser’s. An eye towards their item. Now and then there are a few issues with the pictures that should be fixed by an expert photograph altering organization. A decent car shadow will assist you with building items to your pictures just as make a remarkable search for the crowd.

It very well may be intense for the picture takers to do the Photo-shoot. Simultaneously proceed with the photograph altering undertakings. For this situation, you may require the assistance of an expert photograph-altering organization. On account of vehicle photograph altering and shadow making our organization. We have done some incredible work. Now we learn easily car shadow in Photoshop making process. 

We can create more than a great many car shadows in a solitary day. Let’s discuss the method of creating a drop shadow. Here I wanna mention one more thing that we do to edit all the parts of car shadow making. like drop shadow, realistic shadow, and natural shadow making.



The  process  of car  shadow making   we gonna share :

Step 1: Oреn your picture and eliminate іt from the foundation. Here wе hаvе the bасkgrоund рlаtе аnd thе еxtrасtеd ѕubjесt thаt wе nееd to apply a ѕhаdоw tо. Wіthоut thе ѕhаdоw, thеrе is nо vіѕuаl сluе аѕ tо the scale аnd роѕіtіоn of the оbjесt. The ѕhаdоw аlѕо ѕеrvеѕ to аnсhоr thе оbjесt to the іtѕ surface.



Step 2 : The fіrѕt thing that we are gоіng tо do, іѕ tо сrеаtе a ѕtаndаrd drор ѕhаdоw. Pick Thе Рlауеr ѕtуlе button аt thе bоttоm оf the Lауеrѕ раnеl (looks lіkе a lіttlе “f”) Sеlесt Drор Shаdоw. At thе mоmеnt, it looks more like a реrѕоn ѕtаndіng іn front of a bulletin, rather thаn bеіng coordinated іntо the ѕсеnе.

car shadow in Photoshop

Thаt’ѕ the contrast between a drор ѕhаdоw аnd a саѕt ѕhаdоw. Fоr some rеаlіѕm, lеt’ѕ fіrѕt сhооѕе thе соrrесt shading for thе ѕhаdоw. Snap the blасk rесtаnglе to thе rіght оf the mix mаdе іn thе Drор Shаdоw dialog box. You will ѕее a соlоr picker. I changed it to a blue соlоr to match the shaping of the ѕhаdоw on the car. Alѕо сhаngе thе “ѕіzе” tо mаtсh thе delicateness of thе different shadows іn thе ѕсеnе. So you can make car shadow in Photoshop step by step. 

Snap Ok tо аррlу.

Step 3 :

Wе knоw have a pretty good drop ѕhаdоw, however we need a cast shadow. We аrе gоіng tо ѕераrаtе thе рlауеr ѕtуlе frоm the layer. Sо that we hаvе thе ѕhаdоw bу іtѕеlf on its own рlауеr. In the Lауеrѕ раnеl, rіght сlісk оn thе lіttlе “f” оn thе rіght оf thе lауеr nаmе. Уоu wіll see a drор down menu.

car shadow in Photoshop

Chооѕе thе alternative саllеd Crеаtе Layer

Thе lауеr wіll now bе ѕріlt into 2 lауеrѕ. Thеy ѕhаdоw wіll bе lоvеd to іtѕ own lауеr dіrесtlу undеrnеаth the оrіgіnаl as ѕhоwn іn the ѕсrееn grаb.


Step 4 :

Presently to dіѕtоrt thе shape. (On the off chance that уоu are going tо dо thіѕ tо text, уоu muѕt rеndеr thе tуре fіrѕt)

Prеѕѕ Ctrl/Cmd + T, thіѕ wіll brіng uр thе free trаnѕfоrm apparatus. Rіght сlісk оn thе ѕеlесtеd оbjесt, (Mac: Cmd сlісk). Select “Dіѕtоrt ” from the spring up menu. You will ѕее a bounding box with 8 lіttlе squares. Drag іn thе mіddlе оf thе bоx tо rероѕіtіоn іt. Snap аnd drag the top rіght square (саllеd handles) until it looks ѕіmіlаr tо thе picture.

Stер 5 :

Clісk аnd drаg on the left tор hаndlе to coordinate the аnglе on thе street bеhіnd оur mоdеl. Rероѕіtіоn аnу оf thе hаndlеѕ on the off chance that you need tо.

Press Entеr/Rеturn tо аррlу thе change.

car shadow in Photoshop

You nоw have a bаѕіс projected shadow. Hоwеvеr its mіѕѕіng ѕоmе rеаlіѕm that wе are gоіng to add now.

Step 6 :

  In the event that thе subject thаt’ѕ саѕtіng, thе shadow moves further away frоm thе ѕurfасе that rесеіvеѕ thе shadow, 2 things hарреn. Thе ѕhаdоw will mellow with distance аnd lоѕе іntеnѕіtу (or dаrknеѕѕ).

car shadow in Photoshop

Wе nоw wаnt to mаkе thе ѕhаdоw ѕоftеr аѕ іt moves furthеr away. Duрlісаtе the ѕhаdоw layer by drаggіng thе lауеr іntо the “new layer ісоn” in the lауеrѕ board, or press Cmd/ Ctrl+J.

Turn оff the vіѕіbіlіtу оf thе bоttоm shadow layer аnd ѕеlесt the tор ѕhаdоw layer, Thіѕ іѕ thе оnе wе аrе gоіng tо ѕоftеn.

Step 7 :

We should ѕеt thіѕ ѕесоnd shadow to the ѕоftеr еnd оf thіngѕ. (We are going tо blеnd 2 shadows together) .

Chооѕе Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Add еnоugh obscure tо mаkе thе ѕhаdоw ѕоftеr, the setting will vаrу ассоrdіng tо thе ѕіzе оf thе picture thаt уоu’rе wоrkіng оn. Prеѕѕ оk when dоnе.

Step 8 :

Tіmе tо blеnd thе 2 ѕhаdоwѕ tоgеthеr. cast-shadow-5-b

Add a layer veil to thе top shadow lауеr bу сlісkіng thе Lауеr mаѕk buttоn іn thе Lауеrѕ раnеl. Grаb the grаdіеnt tооl and set thе colors tо blасk аnd white (D kеу). Pick direct, forefront tо bасkgrоund.

car shadow in Photoshop

Mаkе ѕurе thе veil іѕ ѕеlесtеd аnd uѕіng thе grаdіеnt instrument drаg іt frоm аbоut 1/4 wау to thе lower part of thе ѕhаdоw to around 3/4 оf thе wау uр tо blеnd the 2 shadow lауеrѕ. (Thе rеd in this іmаgе ѕhоwѕ whеrе I drаggеd thе mаѕk)

Step 9 :

Fіnаllу Set the ѕhаdоw tо multірlу mode аnd the haziness оf thе tор ѕhаdоw lауеr tо аbоut half 75% аnd thе bоttоm shadow tо аbоut 30%

Exреrіmеnt аnd see whаt looks bеѕt fоr уоur picture.

Yоu nоw have an essential, reasonable cast ѕhаdоw, yet read оn.

We follow huge techniques for shadow-making service. On the above, we’ve shared one of these techniques that might help you to know details about shadow-making services.

Benefits of  car shadow making service :

Car Shadow makes your car photo a realistic gives you the taste of seeing pictures as you can see cars on the relinquishes the artificial portion of the photo. It quit the floating part of the image and shows its real appearance as clients don’t have chances to check the product to roam around his fingers over the car so they like to see the real look of the picture for making a strong decision whether it’s worth buying or not.

Benefits-of-car-shadow-making- car shadow in Photoshop

Doing car shadow-making is a tough and time-consuming part of the editing sector. So for getting the perfect and outstanding car photo you need to depend upon an experienced editing service company. Send your project to an editing service company for a free trial and if it looks then contact them as soon as possible with your next project. Now you clear about car shadow in Photoshop making. 

Feature image-Automotive Dealer advertising photo editing technique for more benefit

Automotive Dealer advertising photo editing technique for more benefit

Car Photograph altering administration is crucial for each vehicle seller when your site exhibits those vehicle pictures in the most ideal manner by an expert proofreader. In such a way that uncovers about the vehicle to an expected purchaser. Transferring pictures to your site of your vehicles without chipping away at them is amateurish.

Could bring about a low buy rate on the grounds that the vehicles don’t look respectable, and your potential customers don’t get sufficient data to choose if they need to make a buy or not. Photograph altering, basically, is the change of pictures caught in a photo to suit a specific reason or look a specific way. So for dealer advertising photo editing techniques, you should know if you are an automotive retoucher. Automotive Dealer advertising photo editing technique.


Why photo editing techniques are important for automotive dealer advertisements:

Vehicle photograph altering administration is the method of making your vehicle photographs more expert and appealing. Assuming you are maintaining a vehicle business, you need to advance your vehicle photographs colossally. Since great quality photographs address your business and work essentially to advance your image.

New deliveries Car Photo Editor. Thus, it is imperative to alter your photographs pleasantly so they can command the notice of the watchers.

Automotive dealer advertising for photo editing techniques is beneficial for growing up your dealership business. You can depend upon an editing service company for automotive dealers advertising photo editing techniques.


Car Pics Editing proficient vehicle photograph altering administration to improve your business. We know the significance of top-notch photographs for the improvement of a business. This is the awesome excellent Car photograph Editor App that adds your cherished photographs in an alternate way. Photoshop is the best Editing Tools and that will be exceptionally useful for the individuals who work with photoshop.

Assuming you can create incredible quality photographs, you can get bunches of expected clients. This is the best slick vehicle that looks at photographs and text with outlines in the Car Photo Editor application. That’s why Zenith Clipping devotes itself to giving you proficient altering administrations to develop your business. So advertising photo editing techniques for more benefit is a very good idea for dealers for improving their sales.

Let’s describe the services we provide from our photo editing service company :

Car background replacement service:

At the point when you draw in the administrations of an expert vehicle photograph manager, the foundation of the vehicle photographed is expertly done. This implies you can embed a favored foundation in the vehicle photograph or cut out the vehicle and put it in a photograph with a favored foundation.

It facilitates the pressure of disposing of a vehicle photographed just on the grounds that it has an inadmissible foundation. A well-altered vehicle foundation substitution will upgrade the allure of the vehicle photograph to any possible purchaser. Especially car background replacement is one of the dealer advertising photo editing techniques we used for.

Automotive Dealer advertising photo editing technique


Car photo cut out service :

A photograph cut out is the demonstration of eliminating an image from its unique foundation. As a feature of our vehicle picture-altering administrations, we can likewise assist you with an ideal vehicle photograph cut out from the first foundation.

So we don’t just remove the vehicle photograph for you. Yet we likewise place it on your liked or suggested foundation. A vehicle photograph cut out requires an expert touch that will expertly remove the vehicle photograph and put it in a photograph with a foundation that will engage any individual who sees the image.

Automotive Dealer advertising photo editing technique


Before background replacement photo cut out is a must. And it’s also a part of automotive dealer advertising photo editing techniques.

Car photo shadow service :

Car shadow making is essential for a photograph nowadays and is known to add to the excellence of the vehicle photographed. For vehicle photograph altering, having shadows in the correct spots gives the vehicle photograph a more reasonable appearance.

We will utilize our expert photograph altering information to assist you with remembering a shadow for your vehicle photograph. Things like lighting, size, and vehicle position must be viewed while adding a shadow to a vehicle photographed.

All these must be done flawlessly, however, you don’t need to stress over how we go about it. So you have ensured the ideal result. Car photo shadow-making service is a gorgeous dealer advertising photo editing techniques.

Automotive Dealer advertising photo editing technique


Car photo retouching service:

This will upgrade the appearance of your vehicle photograph, particularly on the off chance that you need to put them out for ad. Vehicle photograph modification contains countless perspectives. So vehicle correcting might be utilized to underscore a specific piece of the vehicle photograph or increment the vehicle photograph’s clarity and quality.

Reflections and shadows will eliminate or add relying upon your inclination.

This sort of vehicle pic altering must be finished by an expert due to the numerous perspectives included. We will assist you with a specialist done vehicle photograph repair to give your vehicle an ideal look. Car photo retouching is a final touch-up that contains advertising photo editing techniques.

Great car before and after


The other services we provide from our editing service company :

  • Car image manipulation.
  • Vehicles image restoration
  • Car template adding.
  • 360-degree car-making services.

And all the editing methods we tried to describe on our other blog. For having updated information and for having the tips of our editing methods stay connected with us.

So car picture upgrade is turning into the most talked about subject everywhere in the world. All I will say will be less about the subject. So picture upgrade, picture altering, picture modifying all are vital. Especially there is a gigantic picture-changing help to construct each day.

Perhaps you individuals get divert when perusing and searching for the ideal picture improvement organization. For the increasing brand value of your websites, you need good photos. As well as outstanding blogs that can describe your editing methods and dealer advertising photo editing techniques as well. So for editing service company sharing dealer advertising photo.

Editing techniques are a great way that can attract your clients.

Which automotive shadow is more effective for dealer sales

Which automotive shadow is more effective for dealer sales?

Automotive shadow is a nice topic to discuss over here. Shadow gives a realistic look to your automotive product. And most clients like to see a photo with a realistic look. Maybe you have a nice, shiny car but you’re careless about reviving this photo then you fail in the first step. How would clients know you have an outstanding automotive car? The automotive car editing world is too extensive. But today we’re going to focus on the shadow-making service. Now we are going to know about- Which automotive shadow is more effective for dealer sales?

Can you depend on any random editing service company for automotive shadow-making services?

No, you can’t. Because there are too many details you need to focus on when you’re professionally doing editing. An editing service company that needs to have some features like how experienced they are, do they work creatively? You have to check their quality first before creating an order. Because it’s a little bit tricky in comparison with other portions like background removal, template adding.

Details of automotive shadow making:

There are three kinds of shadow making. All are separate and unique definitions and their editing process is different. There are mainly three kinds of shadow. A natural shadow, drop shadow, and reflection shadow. I like to see the reflection shadow most. The easiest shadow is the natural shadow. It took a little time to do it.  About drop shadow I would say it’s also very simple but when in terms of reflection shadow it’s quite difficult doing it. Let’s the editing process how our designer does the shadow.

Which automotive shadow is more effective for dealer sales




Natural automotive shadow:

Open the image in Photoshop. here you don’t need to create a shadow. First change the background. Better take a white background because it discloses the natural shadow more clearly. Then control that parameter like opacity, distance, contrast everything you need to.



Drop shadow:

Here the process of the drop shadow is to clipping at that portion where you need to add the shadow. Then need to go to the blending mode and choose drop shadow and then rule on distance, opacity, and contrast.

Which automotive shadow is more effective for dealer sales



Reflection shadow:

Here we flip the automotive car below the car. Then create a distance between that car. then we use an eraser tool to rub out some unwanted portions for bringing. Smoothness.

Which automotive shadow is more effective for dealer sales

There are huge things they do apply when they edit but I tried to elaborate it in purport.


The automotive shadow that is more effective:

It’s very tough to elaborate because every shadow is important. There are myriad e-commerce shops and all that shop has individual demand. For different situations, we feel the necessity of using different shadows. So it’s difficult to point towards any particular shadow and giving importance to any particular shadow. This is the best way to learn Which automotive shadow is more effective for dealer sales.

How would you find the perfect editing service company for getting your automotive shadow done?

Take a look at their websites whether they have a Free trial or not. If they have, then send one or two tough photos from your project. If they can, then you can trust that they could easily complete your project. When sending them a photo, choose a photo that would give them the chance to show the retouch’s creativity. And check the photo the retouched showed. Is that the type that you are looking for?

Except automotive shadow making, we provide service for automotive products:

1. Background replacement.

2. Color correction.

3. Retouching services.

4. Template adding.

5. Automotive image masking.

If you are a beginner in the editing world, if you are looking for the basic techniques of editing then you can check our blogs out. We shared all the basic techniques of editing especially for automotive shadow making and we can assure you that we are the best automotive photo editing service provider. You can compare our photos with others. You can notice the, don’t be late .contact us with your next. Editing projects with a sustainable rate.

Best software For Automotive image background Replacement

Best software For Automotive image background Replacement

Automotive image background replacement service is the most used portion of image editing service. Those who are car dealers, car photographers, car inventory companies, car merchandising companies, automotive advertising companies, automotive lot service providers and many others. Most of the time businessmen hire image editing service companies for Car image background replacement.

But there is much automatic software that can replace automotive image backgrounds very easily but the client doesn’t get satisfied with it because the working process of the software is not that meticulous that our clients demand. Now we’re gonna discuss some software that does Dealership Photo Background Replacement. Although they are huge, we are going to discuss three of them.





This is software that can do Car Transparent Background. It comes with a user-friendly interface having automatic quality improvements as well as a smart selection option for a remarkable photo editing experience. You can remove unwanted objects, use digital makeup, play with backgrounds. And use color-coded sliders to tweak parameters, as well as crop, straighten and flip the frames. The pictures can also be scaled down to a smaller size.


Fotor photo editor :

 Fotor photo editor is very popular software that can do automotive image background replacement service.   This photo background remover program removes the background of your photos by cutting the main object by allowing you to mark what you want to keep and what to remove. After creating a transparent background, make use of the design and editing features of Fotor for replacing the old ones with the desired background.



Photoshop :

Photoshop is the best-used software we use. Most of the editing service companies use photoshop because most of the tools inside containing in photoshop follow the process and do their work very neatly .we can use varieties tool for cutting the product from the background.

  • Pen tool
  • Freeform pen tool.
  • Add anchor point tool.
  • Delete anchor point tool.
  • Convert point tool.
  • Magic tool
  • Quick selection tool.

In Photoshop, editors do their work manually and retouches’ can follow every direction that a client asks for. Most of the clients don’t like automotive software for Vehicles Background Replacement. They would like to have manual work that can follow all the details and directions they want.


Why you need to hire an editing service company for car image background replacement.

Experience is precious in this field. in an editing service company firstly they recruit some best retoucher. Besides every day they are doing the same project that you are looking for. So think how fast they are. They are experienced enough and they are creative in their field so you can easily depend upon them if it’s a term to editing service.

Automotive image background replacement is a very necessary service among all other services. Because the owner of an online shop, the dealer who wants to sell their car has a huge demand for Automotive Background Replacement. Because when photographers capture photos all the time they won’t get the perfect background so they need to feel the necessity of having an automotive image background replacement. So contact us today for your next Car Image Background Replacement

Ways Car Shadow Making Can Make You Invincible Feature Image- Car Pics Editing

Ways of Car Shadow Making Can Make You Invincible

Car shadow making is the car image editing technique that will let you stand out from the crowd of automotive sellers. Your car images need to look the most realistic and naturally placed in their background. But when the car background replacement is done, its shadows get removed automatically. We are going to learn Ways of Car Shadow Making Can Make You Invincible. 

Now you can not post a car image without its shadows into a new background as they will seem highly unnatural. So to save yourself from humility, you should opt for shadow making. 

Car Drop shadow making helps in adding depth and dimension to an image. Car shadows will make your images look edgy and quite attractive in all ways. You can improve your images’ look by maintaining the tone and contrast of the car and its background.

You can edit the car shadows by yourself or get it done by a photo editing company. Are you ready to make your car images be the best ones in look and composure? 

Ways Car Shadow Making Can Make You Invincible Feature Image- Car Pics Editing 2


Car Natural shadow-making helps in making your website appear more composed and well off. If you are using a white background for your cars and are also making shadows for them, you will show your car images more accordingly. Most giant sellers online suggest their users use images with a white background for their products. You can then add the car shadows in your images and make the cars look more naturally placed in the surrounding. Ways of Car Shadow Making Can Make You Invincible.

Car images look the best when given the right amount of time and effort in editing duration. You can boost the look of your images by maintaining the color and tone of the process.

 You can adjust the color and look of your car images once you know how to maintain your images’ overall presentation. We at Car Pics Editing are offering the best deals to take the best car image editing services that have allowed many of our clients to get the most sales and conversions. 

The more your products appear natural in any image, the more you can grow your automotive business. People are all about how well images look on the website, and they will decide to make the purchase only if your products are looking good in the images.

If you can make your images look good on the website you have, you will surely get many conversions. Your customers will greatly be influenced by how you present your products and how you are editing the images. 

Car image editing is what we do best, and we excel at making any car image look attractive and appealing to the eye. We offer eth best services in town, and you must come over to us to win in your online business. 

We are offering the following services apart from only car shadow making:

Vehicles background replacement:

We take the photos of a car either on the street or in a showroom and move it over to another background and make it look the most realistic. Apply our professional services, or vehicle background replaced, car image background replacement, car photo editing, and car image editing. We will cover you with what images you want as a background and then show you what is best for the cars you are using.

Vehicles shadow making and retouching services:

Shadow making helps images and cars look a lot more realistic even after editing them. This is when we take any image and make a very realistic shadow of it underneath.

This way, if the cars are put into a new background, they will still look the most realistic and close to reality. 

Shadow service for your dealership and inventory


Dealer photo editing services:

Car buyers want to see very realistic and attractive photos of the cars present on your online store. Dealerships need to get these photos ready to go in front of potential buyers. It boosts sales and gives you an easy and manageable way of dealing with car sales.

 A few moments like this will take your sales up as well. Before you publish the photos online, make sure that they match exactly with the ones that dealerships are looking for. 

All these photo editing services will help make your cars a lot more attractive and immersive to boost your sales and attract more consumers. You can enjoy having that spotlight falling on you of viewers’ attention and more conversions. You are always welcome to share the services you need and all you are looking for with us.

We offer custom car image editing and people who are quite sure of what they want to have in their car images. We have an excellent team of professional image editors who will guide you completely. On how your cars can appear a lot better than they are in the raw images. 

We are available 24/7 and guide you on how important it is to pass your photos through the image editing steps. This is always helpful to make more sales and grow your business online.

Most people don’t give image editing much of a favor initially. Still, soon after, when they don’t get able to make sales,. They always come back to make their images appear attractive and highly professional. This helps in making the customers be loyal to their brands and be there to buy from them.

Car shadow and template adding


Car shadow making is something that will help you increase your online presence and also let you boost your sales. You will get many people inquiring about your cars and be interested in buying from you. As you will be providing them with a real picture of what the car looks like in a natural setting. Now we clear Ways of Car Shadow Making Can Make You Invincible.

Car shadow making is the car image editing technique that will let you stand out from the crowd of automotive sellers. Your car images need to look the most realistic and also naturally

Car transparent background, car shadow service, automotive photo editing 3

Thinking About Car Shadow Making? 5 Reasons Why You Should Use It

Car shadow making has gained many boosts since people discovered ways of making cars more attractive through car photo editing. You may be thinking where a car shadow-making comes to help when there is a shadow in the car image. Well, it comes when you are going to replace the background of the images you have.

Car transparent background, car shadow service, automotive photo editing 4

When you are replacing the background, you will also lose the original shadow you had of the car. This is why you have to redraw the shadow and look the boost natural in the new setting. 

But why is this important, and what are the reasons you should be making car shadows for your car images? Well, the following are the top five reasons why you should create car shadows. 

  1. Adds more edge to the image:

Your cars, when being moved to the new background, there is no shadow underneath them. This makes these cars appear as if they are only hovering in space and they have no ground. But would that look pleasing to a consumer’s eye? Certainly not. Nobody would like to find more about an ‘angel’ car.

If you have removed the background of a car image, you should get car shadow-making services better. 

  • Reduces blur of drop shadow:

Drop shadow makes a blurry effect when it is edited through the software assigned for it. This may look very unappealing and not that cool when the images are put up on eCommerce sites. This is why car shadow-making enhances the car images’ look and makes them appear more natural. 

  • Adjusting shadows behind images:

If you are not satisfied with the original shadow that your car is making, you can head over and fix this issue. Using car image editing services, you can edit the car shadows and move them the way you want to. Create new shadows at places you want to see them at. 

  • Makes 3D effect:

When there are billions of images that have a very in-depth, 3D look, nobody would like to see blurring or 2D images. Shadows are what helps in making any image be 3D. This added dimension will make your car images look a lot more professional and realistic.

No matter what background you have set in your car image, making a shadow will improve the car’s look. 

  • Trip edges:

If you don’t like certain edges of an object in a car image, you can hide it under the shadow of things nearby. Using car shadow-making skills, you can easily hide any object that isn’t needed near the main object by projecting a shadow of it on it. 

These were a few secrets that go by in-car images that have a replaced background. You can hop onto the bandwagon of people who use transparent car backgrounds by hiring us at Car Pics Editing to let you edit all of your images for you. You can explain to us all that you want in your images and bring the same. 

We are offering the following services apart from only car transparent background:


Car transparent background, car shadow service, automotive photo editing 2


Vehicles background replacement:

We take the photos of a car either on the street or in a showroom and move it over to another background and make it look the most realistic. To apply our professional services, or vehicle background replacement, car image background replacement, car photo editing, and car image editing. Then we will cover you with what images you want as a background and then show you what is best for the cars you are using.


Vehicles shadow making and retouching services:

Shadow-making helps images and cars look a lot more realistic even after editing them. This is when we take any image and make a very realistic shadow of it underneath. If the cars are put into a new background, they will still look the most realistic and close to reality. 



Dealer photo editing services:

Car buyers want to see very realistic and attractive photos of the cars present on your online store. Dealerships need to get these photos ready to go in front of potential buyers. It boosts sales and gives you an easy and manageable way of dealing with car sales. A few moments like this will take your sales up as well. Before you publish the photos online, make sure that they match exactly the pones that dealerships are looking for. 


All these photo editing services will help make your cars a lot more attractive and immersive to boost your sales and attract more consumers. You can enjoy having that spotlight falling on you of viewers’ attention and more conversions. You are always welcome to share the services you need and all you are looking for with us.


 We offer custom car image editing and people who are quite sure of what they want to have in their car images. Otherwise, we have an excellent team of professional image editors who will guide you completely on how your cars can appear a lot better than they are in the raw images. 

We are available 24/7 and guide you on how important it is to pass your photos through the image editing steps. This is always helpful to make more sales and grow your business online.

Car transparent background-Thinking About Car Shadow Making


Most people don’t give image editing much of a favor initially. Still, soon after, when they don’t make sales, they always come back to make their images appear attractive and highly professional. This helps in making the customers be loyal to their brands and be there to buy from them.


You may be thinking where a car shadow-making comes to help when there is a shadow in the car image. Well, it comes when you are going to replace the background of the images you have

Most Well Guarded Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement feature

Most Well Guarded Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement

.If you have ever been in the world of car photo editing, you would know that it all depends on how well you edit your images to attract customer attention. Many people are involved in the business of car pics editing. All of those that excel well in this realm know about a few things that amateur editors don’t get hold of. You can also start editing car images but using these secrets will grow in this field rather fast. Best tips of Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement. 

Most Well Guarded Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement 2


You will know about the well-practiced ways of editing car images that instantly make them stand out of the league. You can enjoy the favors of these secrets by using them. Your car images will look a lot better, and if you are also selling these vehicles, you will get the hang of many more consumers and customers. 

So let us get started with these car image editing secrets that no one talks about but are practiced a lot to make your images look like a million bucks. 

  1. Make the perfect lighting:

Car image editing will mostly focus on the right lighting. No matter how much you focus on other factors of any automotive look, lighting will always play the most role. You must always make sure that your car images are well lit, and there is enough light to focus on how things will be seen from the viewer’s eye. You can accentuate an image’s brightness and improve the exposure to make every detail visible of the cars you have photographed.

To improve an image’s lighting, you can also scroll through options that include temp, tint, exposure, highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. 

Most Well Guarded Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement 3



  • Focus on color:

Now that you have made the lighting be a lot perfect in your car images, you can focus on the color of your images. Color also plays a strong role in making your images appear attractive and appealing. You may have seen many images appearing dull and boring, but with the use of only a splash of color, there is life back into the image.

This is why you should keep a keen eye on the saturation of your images. Whenever you are using a professional photo editor to edit your images, you will get options that include Red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple, magenta, and others to edit and set the rights hade for your images. 


  • Sharpen the image:

Nobody likes seeing blurry edges and ends that are not in focus. Even when your background is out of focus, and you have your subject in focus, you need to enhance the images’ sharpness to bring out the real sharpness of your images.

Sharpness plays a strong role in making an image satisfying to look at. You can find many people who like seeing quality images and quality to see images that are sharp and have no blurry ends. But make sure you don’t overdo the process as we don’t want the image to appear grainy. 


  • Add creative backgrounds:

Backgrounds are really important. Even though you may think that a fine-looking busy street may be okay in your car images, they may seem distracting to your viewers. You don’t want anything but your car to be in focus, hence cutting out the background and replacing something that is more absorbing. So you need to learn about Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement. 

You can choose any beautiful landscape that also matches the floor of the car. Make sure you are also editing inside the car windows to have coherence among your background and foreground. 

Now, if you don’t want to edit your images by yourself, worry no more. We at Car Pics Editing are at service to do you a favor. So we will edit your images most professionally and make sure you are getting your cars’ best-looking images. We have been offering our car image editing secures to our clients, and they have always enjoyed the kind of services we have to offer them.


We offer the following extensive services of car image editing in very affordable price bundles:

All of these and many more are readily available at Car Pics Editing. As we are here to offer what you think is right and desirable in the automotive car selling business.


Most Well Guarded Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement 4



Vehicles background replacement:

We take photos of a car either on the street or in a showroom. And move it over to another background and make it look the most realistic. We apply our professional services, and vehicle background replacement, car image background replacement, car photo editing, and car image editing.

So we will cover you with what images you want as a background. And then show you what is best for the cars you are using.


Vehicles shadow making and retouching services:

Shadow-making helps images and cars look a lot more realistic even after editing them. This is when we take any image and make a very realistic shadow of it underneath. This way, if the cars are put into a new background, they will still look the most realistic and close to reality. 


Dealer photo editing services:

Car buyers want to see very realistic and attractive photos of the cars present on your online store. Dealerships need to get these photos ready to go in front of potential buyers. It boosts sales and gives you an easy and manageable way of dealing with car sales. A few moments like this will take your sales up as well. Before you publish the photos online, make sure that they match exactly with those dealerships are looking for. 

So are you ready to make your car image editing process extensive enough to grab the most user attention? Let us be here for help. Now we clear about Secrets about Automotive Background Replacement.

Meta description:

You will know about the well-practiced ways of editing car images that instantly make them stand out of the league. You can enjoy the favors of these secrets by using them. Your car images will look a lot better, and if you are also selling these vehicles


Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making

Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making

Car shadow-making is always the next step once you get the background removed from any vehicle image. When you do car background replacement, you automatically get the car shadow removed from the image, and in the new background, the car appears unreal. It can seem to hover in the air if there isn’t any shadow created for it. Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making.

This is why many automotive sellers these days know the reason for using car shadow making. You can greatly benefit from this by yourself by getting these services as well. 

Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making 2


Car shadow making is an easy process once you get its hang, but it is an extensive one at the start.

You will have to have a steady hand so that you can get the edges of your car right. A few facts that are involved in car shadow making are as under:

Car shadows add a certain level of depth and dimensions to your images. They allow your viewers to see the vehicle as a real one and imagine it in their real lives. You can benefit from car shadow making as it will make your cars appear more attractive and appealing. Car shadows help the viewers to see your cars in a natural setting. They can visualize the vehicle after they will buy it and make an idea of how it will appear in their houses after purchase. 

Car image editing available by many car image editors always involves shadow making, which is an important part of making car edits. You will always find this step after the background of an image is changed.  Shadows are also used when the need is to hide something from being in the image. A shadow is extended to that object near the car in the image and is hidden behind it.  Most car sellers use car shadow-making services to enhance their cars’ look and add a third dimension in their images to add an appealing edge to them. 

You can get car shadow-making services from many car image editing services, and the car also learns to do it yourself. It will help you set out your websites’ outlook and make them more vibrant and attractive. 

All these facts about car shadow making make it a very important part of car photo editing services. You must not skip this part as it will add the 3D look into your images that is very important to make your cars look very real and natural. Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making.

You can hop onto the bandwagon of people who use car shadow making by hiring us at Car Pics Editing to let you edit all of your images for you. You can explain to us all that you want in your images, and we will bring you the same. 


Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making 1


We are offering the following services apart from only car shadow making:

  1. Vehicles background replacement:

We take the photos of a car either on the street or in a showroom and move it over to another background and make it look the most realistic. So we apply our professional services, and vehicle background replacement, car image background replacement, car photo editing, and car image editing. We will cover you with what images you want as a background and then show you what is best for the cars you are using.

2. Vehicles shadow making and retouching services:

Shadow-making helps images and cars look a lot more realistic even after editing them. This is when we take any image and make a very realistic shadow of it underneath. This way, if the cars are put into a new background as well. Then still, they will look the most realistic and close to reality. 

3. Dealer photo editing services:

Car buyers want to see very realistic and attractive photos of the cars present on your online store. Dealerships need to get these photos ready to go in front of potential buyers. It boosts sales and gives you an easy and manageable way of dealing with car sales.

A few moments like this will take your sales up as well. Before you publish the photos online, make sure that they match exactly the pones that dealerships are looking for. 

All these photo editing services will help make your cars a lot more attractive and immersive to boost your sales and attract more consumers. You can enjoy having that spotlight falling on you of viewers’ attention and more conversions. You are always welcome to share the services you need and all you are looking for with us. We offer custom car image editing and people who are quite sure of what they want to have in their car images.

Otherwise, we have an excellent team of professional image editors. Who will guide you completely on how your cars can appear a lot better than they are in the raw images. 


Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making 3



We are available 24/7. And are here to guide you on how important it is to pass your photos through the image editing steps. This is always helpful to make more sales and grow your business online.

Most people don’t give image editing much of a favor initially. Still, soon after they don’t get able to make sales. They always come back to make their images appear attractive and highly professional. This helps in making the customers be loyal to their brands and be there to buy from them.

Car shadow making is something that will help you increase your online presence and also let you boost your sales. You will get many people inquiring about your cars. And will interest in buying from you. As you will be providing them a real picture of what the car looks like in a natural setting. Here we now get the full concept of Best Facts Every Sellers Should Know About Car Shadow Making.


Car shadow-making is always the next step once you get the background removed from any vehicle image. When you do car background replacement, you are automatically getting the car shadow

Simple Ways To Improve Your Automotive Background Replacement

Simple Ways To Improve Your Automotive Background Replacement

Car photo editing is an extensive process but also a highly returning one. If you are ins the business of selling cars online or are capturing photos of cars to make your photography portfolio, you will need editing skills. These skills will help you get the most attention from the audience you are targeting. Sharpening your car image editing skills must your prime focus, and you must also be able to take good photos of your cars.

Many photographers and customers over the online space prefer having a white or transparent background of the cars. This is because it looks neat and because many online selling giants ask their sellers to post images with white backgrounds. 



When you are in the world of car photography, you have to have sound knowledge of editing images to captivate the viewer’s eye. You should have the skills to enhance the images and bring out the best in them. But the thing that affects the viewers is the background.

Your images’ background must have a professional vibe to it and should make the viewer focus on the car rather than being focused on the background. This is why having a transparent background or a white background of your cars is better. 

Having a white background will make your cars look more appealing and also stand out of the league. You will be able to make many sales and conversions only based on the fact that your car image editing skills are top-notch. You can improve your automotive background replacement skills a lot by practice and by following few tips:


  1. Always make your car pop up

When you are editing your car images, you should make sure that your car must focus on whoever looks at it. You should try your best to suit the background of the image with a color that makes the car look better and drive all the people who look at it. You can always have fun with the colors or go around with a scenic background. Anyone can suit the color and shape of your car.

When you choose a background, it also goes with the original scene in which the image was captured to bring the most reality into the look. 

  • Focus on small areas:

When you are editing your car images, you can not miss any spot that goes untouched. Especially when you are changing the background of an image, you must make sure that you are editing and selecting every inch of the image and making it come along well with the new background. You can keep on practicing until you have a steady hand over it. 


Simple Ways To Improve Your Automotive Background Replacement 4



  • Don’t miss the windows:

Often, inexperienced car image editors, when editing the cars’ background, miss out on the space between the windows of the car. This makes the image looking very fake and edited. To not be the same one, try editing the car windows and the background that peaks through them in the same way you edit the background otherwise. You can zoom in to the image and make the background look like being seen through a window. 


  • Ensure you are giving a realistic look:

Whatever you pick to do with your car images when you are editing them, they must be giving off a realistic look. No one except an experienced car image editor must differentiate between reality and what is edited. The rest is upon you to fix and make sure nothing looks touched or changed. 

 All these factors make automotive background replacement be something that you are highly in need of. You need to look ahead to make your images appear the best and also have the best background. We at Car Pics editing can help you with this as we are here to offer you the best services of car image editing. You need to know about Simple Ways To Improve Your Automotive Background Replacement. 

We are professionals who know what they are doing and are also eager to see car businesses flourishing only through something so simple as image editing. Also, we are here 24/7 and are ready to take in your bookings and get started on your project. 

We are offering the following services and are making automotive businesses run and flourish like crazy:

  • Background replacement 
  • Transparent background 
  • Vehicles reflection 
  • Automotive shadow 
  • Car cut out 
  • Car clipping path 


Vehicles background replacement:

We take photos of a car either on the street or in a showroom. And move it over to another background and make it look the most realistic. To apply our professional services, or vehicle background replacement, car image background replacement, car photo editing, and car image editing. Then we will cover you with what images you want as a background. And then show you what is best for the cars you are using.


Vehicles shadow making and retouching services:

Shadow-making helps images and cars look a lot more realistic even after editing them. This is when we take any image and make a very realistic shadow of it underneath. This way, if the cars are put into a new background, they will still look the most realistic and close to reality. 


Simple Ways To Improve Your Automotive Background Replacement 3



Dealer photo editing services:

Car buyers want to see very realistic and attractive photos of the cars present at your online store. Dealerships need to get these photos ready to go in front of potential buyers. It boosts sales and gives you an easy and manageable way of dealing with car sales. A few moments like this will take your sales up as well. Before you publish the photos online, make sure that they match exactly with those dealerships are looking for. So now clear about Simple Ways To Improve Your Automotive Background Replacement.



Many photographers and customers over the online space prefer having a white or transparent background of the cars.